Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Episode 145: To Worldbuild or Not to Worldbuild, That Is the Question
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
And obviously the answer is yes! But in this episode, we answer your questions! We talk about the "rules" and common advice of worldbuilding -- and the ways in which we merrily ignore, redefine, or defy them. We pull apart some techniques related to the craft of communicating worldbuilding to a reader and how to achieve balance within a story. We do some shop talk about the publishing world. And we give you our very important opinions about unicorns.
We also do a little recap of 2024! From novels and novellas to getting the Traveling Light anthology out to meeting up in Scotland, we did some things! What will come in 2025? Well... Keep listening to the podcast, and you'll find out along with us!
[Transcript TK]
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Episode 144: What Do You Do with a B.A. in Magic?
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
How do the people in your world learn things? Lessons learned might come from formalized institutions, but knowledge might also get passed down through families, through guilds and trade organizations, or through the wisdom whispered in a character's ear by the trees. A world's literacy rate will define a lot about how information gets transmitted, preserved, or altered over time. So who controls the access to information, and how do they enforce it?
We also poke at the perennially persistent trope of the magical school. How is magical education similar to or different from other forms of education in your society? Is it mandatory, to help control the danger that magic might present to society, or is it a privilege reserved for a very few? How about magical R&D -- How do people discover or develop new magic?
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Episode 143: Children of the Revolution
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
In this episode, we discuss purely fictional, 100% not-at-all real, nothing to do with contemporary life ideas about rebellions and revolutions. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or persons is coincidental. Completely.
Continuing our "back to basics" series, and jumping off of a lot of the things we've discussed in the recent episodes on governments and politics, we think about what happens when those things break down. What conditions within the world you're building might lead to a rebellion? What sustains it? What allows it to succeed, or what will cause it to fail? How much of the righteousness of a revolution depends upon where you're standing? How does the rest of the world view the resistance -- and what shapes their ideas of it?
So we talk a lot about Star Wars. And Battlestar Galactica. And The Hunger Games.
Y'know. Fiction.
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Episode 142: Law & Order (DUN DUN)
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
So once you've got a government, what can that government do? What does it regulate, and how is it, itself, regulated? Laws can be created for a lot of reasons, some good and some bad. Sometimes they protect a citizen's opportunity to do certain things, sometimes they present a block to those opportunities, and very often, they aren't applied equally and equitably across all of society. So when you're building a world: How does the law work? From creation to enforcement to justice (or the lack thereof), what are the mechanics, and who has the ability to access -- or manipulate -- them?
Laws also aren't the only way that a society regulates itself. Moral standards, taboos, and customs also have a sort of governing force, as well as their own systems of enforcement. How does that get entangled with the way your characters live their lives?
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Episode 141: More Perfect Unions
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Government is a set of rules agreed upon, and politics is how a society determines those rules. So how do you create the systems by which civilizations negotiate those levers of power in your fantasy or sci-fi world? On the sliding scale of representation to authoritarianism, where do the civilizations in your world fall -- and why? What pressures have shaped society to behave in the ways that it does? How centralized or de-centralized is it?
So much of this can depend on the matrix of identity: the question of who gets to participate in government. Sometimes that's the official government, and sometimes that's the back-channels and shadow governments. And -- how much sense does your government really have to make, considering the real-world examples we have to draw from? Dysfunction can be every bit as authentic as function -- and often a lot more interesting for your plot!
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Episode 140: Practical Magic, ft. ROWENNA MILLER
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
As with the last two “back to basics” episodes, we thought we’d spend some time looking the thing that (usually, though there are exceptions) makes fantasy fantastical – the magic! How do we build magical systems, and what questions do we ask ourselves while doing so? Guest and former WFM co-host Rowenna Miller joins us to discuss how, exactly, we make magic!
With magic being a foundational element of a world, when it exists in one, how does it touch all the other things that are in your world? Where does it come from (and is that the same thing as where your characters think it comes from)? Who can use it? Does that confer power -- or draw persecution? What are the limits on what magic can do -- and how might your characters push those boundaries? Magic is such a powerful force, and there are so many exciting ways to build it into your story!
(Transcript for Episode 140 -- thank you, scribes!)
Our Guest: Rowenna Miller is the author of the Unraveled Kingdom trilogy and The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill, as well as short fiction. She is also a prior cohost of this podcast! And also an English professor, and a fairly handy seamstress. She lives in Indiana with her husband, two daughters, four cats, and an ever-growing flock of chickens.
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Episode 139: 2 Crunchy, 2 Curious
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
We’re spending a couple of episodes going back to the basics of worldbuilding, talking about the questions that it’s often fruitful to ask oneself when you’re doing this wild thing. Last time we did the physical world, so now it’s time for the world of people!
What are the building blocks of a human life? (Or an alien one, or draconic, or elven, or whatever you've got?) From the most intimate relationships out to the way societies grow and govern, there's a lot to consider and make choices about. So what questions can help you crack open all the different things that shape your characters' lives? And how can the answers help you throw interesting problems and roadblocks at them?
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Episode 138: Crunchy Questions
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Every once in a while, it's good to go back to the basics. And for us, that means the basics of worldbuilding!
When you're getting started out with a new project, building a world from the ground up, there are a lot of things you can take into consideration! This episode is not so much about finding the answers as figuring out how to ask the questions and what kinds of questions you want to ask. How much do you need to know before you start? And how might that be related to how much the people in your world know? How weird do you want to go, and when is it perfectly okay if the simplest answer is the one you stick with?
The basics are so big, though, that this ended up being a two-part episode! In part one, we're focusing on the literal physical world: your cosmology, your geology and geography and topography, your suns and stars and moons. If you're playing god, how do you make an actual literal world?
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Episode 137: Smile and Be a Villain, ft. CHLOE GONG
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
A villain may not have excuses for their behavior -- but they probably have reasons. How can worldbuilding feed those reasons? Antagonists are often those characters who are both the most willing and the most able to seize control of power structures and take advantage of their privileges. So what pressures in your world have created those structures, and how does your Big Bad maniuplate them? Guest Chloe Gong joins us to explore how to build a world that fits your villain and a villain that fits your world.
We also poke around the idea of villainy itself. Is it always the same thing as antagonist? How do you worldbuild differently for a story with an unambiguous, moustache-twirling capital-v Villain versus a story with far more shades of gray? Perspective plays a large role in communicating this to a reader. After all, the villains are the heroes of their own stories, and sometimes we love characters who are very clearly committing crimes! How do we as writers negotiate all of this in balance with genre expectations, reader moralizing, and the veracity of the worlds we're creating?
This one's for all of you out there whose comfort characters may or may not have* committed war crimes.
*definitely have
Our Guest: Chloe Gong is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the critically acclaimed Secret Shanghai novels, as well as the Flesh and False Gods trilogy. Her books have been published in over twenty countries and have been featured in the New York Times, PEOPLE, Cosmopolitan, and more. She was named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 for 2024. Chloe graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in English and International Relations. Born in Shanghai and raised in Auckland, New Zealand, she is now located in New York City, pretending to be a real adult.
Visit her online at thechloegong.com and on Instagram, X, and TikTok at @thechloegong. She is represented by the wonderful Laura Crockett at TriadaUS Literary Agency.
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Episode 136: Live from WorldCon in Glasgow!
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
We were all in the same room! And that room was in Scotland! In this episode, your WFM co-hosts were able to record a special episode at WorldCon. We chat about ourselves, our works, the Traveling Light anthology, and our favorite components of a world to build.
And then, we take some audience questions! (We apologize that some of them are a little hard to hear; they had a mic, but it seems it was not always picking up super-well) We discuss political worldbuilding, neurospiciness in characters (and their authors!), questions we ask ourselves while worldbuilding, building different cultures within a world, worldbuilding in prewriting & editing, and more.
[Transcript TK]